Stoke Gifford Parish Council logoStoke Gifford Parish Council logoStoke Gifford Parish Council logoStoke Gifford Parish Council logo

About Your Parish Council

The Parish Council aims to improve the quality of life for the residents of Stoke Gifford.

We will endeavour to encourage and promote the best social and environmental practices for the parish of Stoke Gifford by managing services, assets and the resources of the Parish Council for the benefit of the local community.

Our Pledge to You

  • Provide high standard and cost-effective services to help meet the needs and wishes of local residents.
  • Engage in open dialogue with residents to understand their needs and together, work out how we will address these needs within the resources and powers available to the Parish Council.
  • Actively pursue a representational role.
  • Assist, encourage and empower groups and individuals to address local needs.
  • Promote the best interest of the Parish for the betterment of the local and greater community.
  • Work together with all sections of the community.
  • Engage in the protection of the environment within the means of the Council.

We Provide Leisure Facilities & Amenities

We (Stoke Gifford Parish Council) provide a number of adult and youth football pitches, rugby pitches, funding towards the Youth provision service in the parish and a mixed wheel pump track. In addition, we also manage and maintain five recreational areas of open space, a number of play area facilities and a community Café.

All equipment is periodically checked and serviced (where possible) by ROSPA qualified SGPC staff.

We undertake projects to enhance and upgrade existing facilities and to provide new amenities for residents and visitors to enjoy.

We Support Local Organisations

The aim of the Parish Council's Grants Scheme is to promote an active community in Stoke Gifford. The Parish Council recognises and supports the valuable contribution made by the voluntary sector to the well-being of the community.

We provide financial support for the community organisations working for the benefit of Stoke Gifford parishioners, with the intention of improving the range of services and activities in the parish.

We Act for the Benefit of the Local Community

We act for the benefit of the local community and often conduct public consultation exercises to gauge a representative public view of what local people want and how they would like us to act.

The Parish Council is represented on many organisations and management bodies. We work in conjunction with NALC (National Association of Local Councils) on local issues that affect us all and we liaise with South Gloucestershire Council on parish matters, including planning applications.

We Provide a Service

We strive to provide local residents with a cost-efficient service by providing the best value for money. We arrange and/or host annual events including car boot stalls, fun fair shows, Trust Ground Fete, football tournaments and dog show.

Members and staff of the Parish Council are pleased to assist you.

A large proportion of the Council's time is spent representing, lobbying and campaigning for the needs of our community.

An Annual Report is produced to keep local residents informed of the activities of the Parish Council.

Stoke Gifford Parish Council is constantly looking for ways to improve services in the community. If you spot something that needs attention or something that could be improved, please let us know in the Parish office or SGPC website.


All of Stoke Gifford Parish Council's policies can be found on the parish website. This includes General policies and Staff policies along with Standing Orders/Code of Conduct, and Financial Regulations.