Temporary Closures to Footpaths
South Gloucestershire Council - 29th April 2024
(Footpaths LSG7/50, LWR17/10, LWB15/10 and LWB15/20, Hambrook) (Temporary Prohibition of use by Foot Passengers) Order 2020
Notice is hereby given that the above order, made by South Gloucestershire District Council on 11 November 2020, has been continued in force with the approval of the Secretary of State for Transport until 19 May 2026 or until such time as the works are completed, whichever is the earlier.
The effect of the order has closed, temporarily, to foot passengers the lengths of footpath specified in the Schedule to this notice.
This order was required in connection with the likelihood of danger to the public consequent upon large scale earthworks and would have expired on 19 May 2024.
Entire length of footpath for all closures
1. LSG7/50
2. LWR17/10
3. LWB15/10
4. LWB15/20
Alternative Routes: All vice versa
1. and 2. LSG6/10, Winterbourne Road and Old Gloucester Road
3. Provided footpath adjacent to the current footpath
4. Provided footpath extending in a south easterly direction for a distance of 160 metres and then in a generally westerly direction for a distance of 270 metres
Please download the Notice of Intent and Map of Public Footpaths below: