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Stoke Gifford Fete

Poster advertising Stoke Gifford Fete

When: Monday 27th May 2024 - 1pm-4pm

Where: Trust Grounds, North Road, Stoke Gifford, Bristol, BS34 8PE

Stoke Gifford Annual Village Fete and Dog Show will be held at the Trust Grounds on Bank Holiday Monday 27th May from 1pm to 4pm.

  • Mascots
  • Tea and Cake
  • Donkeys
  • Barbecue
  • Brass Band
  • Games
  • Bouncy Castles
  • Art and Crafts
  • Coconut Shy
  • Stalls and lots more...

Fete Fun Dog Show

In association with Bristol Dog Action Welfare Group (DAWG) from 1pm to 4pm. Enter you dog for £1.50


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